June 21, 2024

Embark on a mystical journey of self-discovery as you unlock the secrets hidden within the vibrant tapestry of colors that surrounds you. Let the power of your personal preferences guide you, and allow the enchanting allure of colors to become your trusted companions in this exploration of the mystical realms.

To begin your quest, consider these enlightening practices that will infuse purpose into your color-driven readings:

  1. Reflective Meditation: Allow colors to serve as a focus for reflective meditation. Choose a color that resonates with your current state of mind or the energy you wish to cultivate. Meditate on this color to gain insights and foster a sense of inner peace.

  2. Goal Setting and Planning: Utilize colors to represent different aspects of your goals or plans. Assign specific colors to different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth. This can help you visualize and prioritize your aspirations.

  3. Emotional Healing: Use colors to explore and address your emotions. Assign colors to different emotions, and observe how they manifest in your color readings. This practice can aid in emotional awareness and healing by providing a tangible way to express and understand your feelings.

  4. Decision-Making Guidance: When faced with decisions, associate colors with different options or choices. Allow the colors to guide you in making decisions by assessing the feelings and energies they evoke. This approach can offer a unique perspective on your choices.

  5. Energy Balancing: Use colors to identify areas of imbalance in your life. Assign colors to different aspects of your well-being, such as physical health, emotional state, and mental clarity. Observe the interplay of colors to gain insights into areas that may require attention and balance.

  6. Relationship Dynamics: Explore the dynamics of your relationships through the lens of colors. Assign specific colors to individuals or the overall relationship. This can provide insights into the energies at play, fostering a deeper understanding of connections and potential areas for growth.

  7. Creativity Boost: Tap into your creative side by associating colors with different creative pursuits or projects. Use colors to inspire and guide your creative process, unlocking new ideas and perspectives.

  8. Mindfulness and Presence: Practice mindfulness by immersing yourself in the present moment through colors. Choose a color to represent the current moment or your overall state of being. This practice encourages awareness and appreciation of the present.

  9. Personal Development: Align colors with aspects of personal development, such as learning, resilience, or adaptability. Use the colors to gain insights into your growth journey and identify areas for further development.

  10. Gratitude Exploration: Associate colors with aspects of your life that you are grateful for. Use the colors to create a visual representation of gratitude, enhancing your awareness of the positive elements in your life.

Experiment with these additional purposes to make your color-driven readings even more versatile and tailored to your personal goals and intentions.

Once you have identified the intention behind using the color cards, explore your personal intuition through various dimensions:

  1. Sensory Responses:

    • Contemplate the energy, emotions, and feelings that the colors before you elicit within you.
    • Assess whether certain hues resonate positively or negatively with your emotional state in alignment with your purpose for employing the cards.
  2. Preference Analysis:

    • Delve into your likes and dislikes regarding the colors, and discern how these preferences interconnect with the intended use of the cards.
    • Consider the symbolic significance of your color preferences and their relevance to the overarching purpose.
  3. Color Relationships:

    • Evaluate the interplay between colors, exploring how they relate to each other and examining the impact on your specific inquiry.
    • Reflect on whether the colors complement one another or create a contrasting palette, and discern the implications for the fulfillment of your purpose.
  4. Flow Dynamics:

    • Contemplate the flow of colors and their transitions, considering how the sequence influences the perception of your question.
    • Examine whether the sequential arrangement aligns with your desired flow for the day and if it will shape the unfolding events.
  5. Emotional Responses to Change:

    • As the energy emanating from the color cards evolves, gauge your emotional responses and how they mirror the evolving dynamics of your intended purpose.
    • Consider whether the changing colors evoke optimism, uncertainty, or any other sentiments, and discern their impact on the resonance with your purpose.
  6. Memory and Experience Reflection:

    • Explore whether the colors trigger memories of past experiences, and analyze how these recollections contribute to your overall interpretation.
    • Assess the influence of these memories on your response, recognizing the nuanced connections between personal history and the colors revealed.

By integrating these diverse perspectives, you enhance the depth and richness of your engagement with the color cards, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding and application of their insights in alignment with your purpose.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery with an open heart and an awakened imagination. Learn the language of colors as it speaks to your innermost desires and aspirations. In this mystical pursuit, revel in the joyous dance of hues, and let the enchantment of color guide you towards the answers you seek. May your exploration be both enlightening and joy-filled!

Since 1994, I’ve been instructing tarot classes, employing this method to assist students in tapping into their genuine psychic abilities. The Beginning Tarot is conducted in the virtual realm of Second Life®, where we incorporate this deck into our sessions. For additional details about these classes, visit my website.

These readings are general messages from laying out three *MHbM* Color Chip Tarot – Hex Shape cards. This reading is more personal to you and it may touch you and your life.  These tarot cards are available in three (3) shapes. 2″ square, 3.5″ circle, and the 3.25″ x 3.75″ hex. There are 56 colors.

*MHbM* Color Chip Tarot Cards are also available on the Second Life Marketplace and inworld at my store: *MHbM*.  These come in a square shape only in ten (10) layouts. Each layout is only 1 prim and has all 56 colors, as shown below:

Tarot SL 512

If you would like more information about my work and to ask about a personal reading for yourself, please visit my website: www.monavievoight.com

The information provided is not intended to substitute for informed professional medical, psychiatric, psychological, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice. If you submit a question or comment, we will assume you are interested in soliciting and receiving general information rather than professional advice. We are not responsible for any results that may or may not be associated with using or applying any information we supply. Accordingly, if you desire or require professional advice, please consult a qualified provider who is licensed in your state or country.